DoubleTap To Lock is an application help you double tap to Screen On/Screen Off
From Android 8.0 the feature "Double tap to screen on" no longer works.
+ Doubletap to Screen On
+ Doubletap to Screen Off only works on Home Screen and Lock Screen
+ This app uses Accessibility services. You need to enable accessibility service to the app can catch event when having a notification and when you are staying on the home screen(the app only works on the home screen).This ONLY uses for features of the app. No other information is processed from this permission.
+ The app makes error fingerprint so you should turn off fingerprint before using this app
+ This app uses the Device Administrator permission to you can use the feature Double tap screen off.
+ Default the app use Triple Tap to Screen Off that make avoid some error related touch but you can change a number of taps in the app to Double Tap.
+ To Deactivate/Activate double tap to lock you can click the notification of this. When you are typing text on the home screen you should do this or change number of tap to avoid screen off.
+ To uninstall the app you can click the button "Uninstall" in-app or go to "System Settings—>Security—>Device Administrators" to uncheck Administrator permission for Double Tap To Lock and after uninstalling Double Tap To Lock app same as normal way. If you can't deactivate Device Administrator please try to restart your device to retry or send feedback to me to receive more support.
DoubleTap To Lock is application free. Setup and enjoy!.
If you like app don't forget rate 5 stars ★★★★★ or review. They are appreciated for me. Thank you so much
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DoubleTap To Lock是一个应用程序帮助您双击屏幕开/关屏幕
从Android 8.0开始,“双击到屏幕”功能不再有效。
+ Doubletap to Screen On
+ Doubletap to Screen Off仅适用于主屏幕和锁屏
+ 此应用使用辅助功能服务。您需要启用应用程序的辅助功能服务,可以在收到通知时以及当您停留在主屏幕时捕获事件(该应用程序仅适用于主屏幕)。这仅适用于应用程序的功能。此权限不会处理任何其他信息。
+ 该应用程序会生成错误指纹,因此您应该在使用此应用程序之前关闭指纹
+ 此应用程序使用设备管理员权限,您可以使用功能双击屏幕关闭。
+ 默认应用程序使用Triple Tap to Screen Off,以避免一些与错误相关的触摸,但您可以将应用程序中的多个点击更改为Double Tap。
+ 要取消激活/激活双击以锁定您可以单击此通知。当您在主屏幕上键入文本时,您应该执行此操作或更改点击次数以避免屏幕关闭。
+要卸载应用程序,您可以单击应用程序中的“卸载”按钮或转到“系统设置 - >安全性 - >设备管理员”以取消选中双击锁定的管理员权限,并在卸载双击锁定应用程序后与正常情况相同办法。如果您无法停用设备管理员,请尝试重新启动设备以重试或向我发送反馈以获得更多支持。
DoubleTap To Lock是免费应用程序。设置并享受!
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